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Library Advisory Board

The Library Advisory Board consists of twelve (12) members who serve three (3) year terms, for a maximum of three (3) terms. This board provides an advisory sounding board for short and long range planning, budget priorities, and makes recommendations to the City Council. All appointed members of the Library Advisory Board must be residents of Lincoln County.

The current members of this board are:

  • (vacant)
  • (vacant)
  • Mary Ann Agler – August 2026 (2)
  • Julie Bunker – September 2024 (1)
  • Briar Sutter – April 2026 (1)
  • Holly Andrews – September 2024 (1)
  • Sandy Stoll – September 2024 (3)
  • Dr. Richard Raska – April 2026 (3)
  • Tamina Hartman – September 2024 (1)
  • Susan Morton – June 2026 (2)
  • Sheila Furley – September 2024 (1)
  • Elyse Bohling – September 2024 (1)
  • Donna Tryon – City Council Representative – Appointed May 2023
  • Shelly Deardoff – Library Director
  • Sara Aden – Information Systems Manager
  • LaDonna Fetzer – Library Business Manager – Minutes Recorder

Organized under City of North Platte Municipal Code § 33.09

General Library Objectives

The general objectives of North Platte Public Library are:

  • To develop, preserve and disseminate materials meeting education and recreational needs through organized collections of various formats.
  • To provide access to basic technology for all citizens.
  • To promote communication of ideas through guidance and encouragement.
  • To serve the community as a center of reliable information.
  • To support educational, civic, historical, and cultural activities of groups and organizations.
  • To encourage and provide opportunities for continuous education of life long learners.
  • To identify community library and information needs.
  • To offer programs that enhance literacy and learning.
  • To meet the information needs of the community.
  • To cooperate with other organizations, agencies, and institutions.
  • To provide a comfortable environment facilitating various learning styles.

NLC State of NE Accredited Libraries

North Platte Public Library Strategic Plan 2019-2022

Library Advisory Board Formation


  1. Mission statement. The North Platte Public Library Advisory Board shall advise and make recommendations to the Mayor and City Council regarding the orderly growth and improvement of the North Platte Public Library.
    1. The Board shall establish priorities and make recommendations to the Mayor and City Council for accomplishing the various projects, plans and functions of the North Platte Public Library.
    2. The Board shall make recommendations to the Mayor and City Council regarding overall objectives for management of the library.
    3. The Board shall make recommendations to the Mayor and City Council regarding the long term use, and general rehabilitation of the library including buildings, grounds, parking areas, etc.
    4. The Board shall make recommendations to the Mayor and City Council regarding library fines, fees, rules and procedures.
  2. General organization. The North Platte Public Library Board shall be a citizen advisory board organized and governed by the City of North Platte, Nebraska.
    1. The Board shall consist of 12 individuals appointed by the Mayor with the consent of the City Council. The Board members shall serve without pay for 3-year term. Each member of the Board must be a resident of Lincoln County, Nebraska.
    2. The Board shall be self-organized, electing from its members a president, vice-president, and secretary to serve for terms as shall be determined by the Board. The business of the Board shall be conducted in accordance with rules and policies adopted by a majority vote of the Board.
  3. Procedures. The following procedures shall serve as rules governing election of officers, terms of office, responsibility of officers and conduct of business coming before the Board.
    1. Election of officers and terms of office. The Board shall at its first regular meeting conduct an election of officers to serve for a term of 1 year from the date of election. In the event an office becomes vacant, it shall be filled at the next regular meeting of the Board by electing an officer to fill the remainder of the term.
    2. Responsibilities of officers and Board members.
      1. President. The president shall be responsible for presiding at the meetings of the Board. The business of the Board will be conducted in an orderly manner keeping in mind at all times, that each member of the Board is an equal. This position shall be in the nature of a moderator and as a spokesperson to the public for Board statements, policy or procedures for the conduct of Board business.
      2. Vice-president. The vice-president shall serve as president in the absence of the president and at those times he/she must comply with the responsibilities and duties of the president.
      3. Secretary. The secretary of the Board shall be responsible for the preparation and preservation of Board minutes and other responsibilities as may be delegated to the secretary by the Board.
      4. Board members. Each Board member is equal and shall be responsible for the conduct of business in a dignified manner in order to demonstrate and reflect the high character and moral integrity of each of the Board members.
        1. Conduct. Except of the purpose of inquiry, the Board and its members shall not give orders to any employee of the North Platte Public Library either publicly or privately.
        2. Removal. Any Board member shall be removed by the Mayor, with the consent of the City Council, for failure to attend 3 consecutive regular meetings in a 1-year period. Any Board member failing to meet this attendance requirement may review the circumstances with the Board and the Mayor if they so desire. Under certain circumstances such as job related, illness or death in the family, the Mayor with the consent of the City Council may reinstate such member.
  4. Conduct of business.
    1. Meeting times. Starting with the first meeting, the Board must conduct a regular meeting every other month, plus any other special meetings called for by the Mayor or City Council, along with any specified by the Board’s decisions of need for extra meetings of committees, meetings, etc.
    2. Quorum. The presence of 7 members of the Board shall constitute a quorum. A quorum shall be present to conduct business.
    3. Motions. All items of business coming before the Board shall be determined by motion, second and voted of the Board unless the Board fails to receive a motion or second to a motion.
    4. Vote. The approval of business coming before the Board shall require an affirmative vote of not less than a majority of those members present.

(Res. passed 12-19-1995) Source: North Platte, Nebraska Code of Ordinances