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Library Policies

Library services policies

Patron Code of Conduct

As a visitor to the North Platte Public Library, I agree to:

  1. Not perform any illegal action online or on premises at the North Platte Public Library. Illegal actions include but are not limited to:
    • Vandalism which includes marking, defacing, tearing, cutting any library materials, equipment, furniture, or other property.
    • Sexual misconduct which includes exposure, masturbation, sexual harassment, inappropriate touching, romantic advances towards staff and strangers, and sexual solicitation.
    • Use of substances or bringing substances into the building including alcohol, drugs, and illegal drug paraphernalia is prohibited within the entire facility or grounds. Smoking, including vaping, is not allowed within the entire facility and within 20 feet of any entrance.
    • Hacking, gambling, bypassing library implemented protection measures, and viewing or seeking illegal information online.
  2. Not to threaten or abuse, verbally or physically, other patrons or library staff
  3. To keep disturbing and noisy behavior to a minimum so all that visit may enjoy the library. Keep cell phone conversations to a minimum and use headphones or ear buds so as not share my conversation or online activities with others around me.
  4. Keep my domesticated animal on a leash or in a cage and controllable by the owner.
  5. Keep my child with me if below the age of 8 years old. The library is not a childcare facility. The police will be notified if staff suspect a child has been abandoned, neglected, endangered, and otherwise unsafe.
  6. If I choose to bring a liquid (pop, juice, coffee, etc.) into the facility, I agree to keep the drink lidded and to keep the drink a reasonable distance or on the floor when using library computer equipment. I agree to clean up any mess left by food and drink containers and to dispose of all waste items appropriately.
  7. Not intentionally sleep in the facility. We understand that sometimes people are tired but appearing asleep can also mimic a medical emergency, may disturb others with movements or sounds, and can block traffic or cause furniture damage. Staff will wake up anyone who appears to be sleeping.
  8. Keep my language and behavior within the guidelines of a family friendly facility. Swearing and cuss words will result in warnings and could result in suspension.
  9. Dress in an appropriate manner while visiting the library. That means having clothing that fully covers private areas, wearing shoes, wearing a shirt, and having as clean an appearance as possible. If I have bodily fluids from animals or humans, grease, oil, ink and other pollutants on my person, I will not visit the library unless these issues are cleaned up. These substances readily transfer to furniture and can be hazardous to everyone’s health.
  10. Expect a conversation if I display behavior that is outside socially acceptable normal behavior in any way.

North Platte Public Library Policies

Policies are living documents and may be subject to change at any time. If you have questions, please reach out to the Library Director at or 308-535-8036 ext. 3321

Full North Platte Public Library Policy Manual [PDF]

About Library Cards

Library cards are available at the circulation desk during operating hours. The Library has several types of Borrower Registration Types. Residents of Lincoln County receive free library service. Nonresidents, living outside Lincoln County, are required to pay an annual fee for full library service.

People living outside Lincoln County who own property and pay property taxes in Lincoln County are entitled to free library service. Proof of current property tax payment is required at registration and upon account renewal after expiration.

Borrower Privacy Policy

Nebraska Statue 84-712.05 denotes records which may be withheld from the public including “records or portions of records kept by a publicly funded library which, when examined with or without other records, reveal the identity of any library patron using the library’s materials or services”.

North Platte Public Library relies upon all employees, volunteers, and advisory board members to keep library records and patron information confidential from any agency of federal, state or local government. Library records are defined as, but not limited to: library transactions, circulation records, personal information, or personnel information. The exception to this law is when federal, state or local law enforcement are pursuing civil, criminal, or administrative discovery procedures or under legislative investigatory power. Any library employee receiving the issuance or enforcement of such process, order, or subpoena is directed to notify the designated library authority on duty at the time and the Library Director as soon as possible. The Library Director may contact the City Attorney and request from a court of competent jurisdiction that good cause has been shown for the process.

Registration Requirements

Library applications are available at the circulation desk during operating hours. The Library has several types of Borrower Registration Types. Residents of Lincoln County receive free library service. Nonresidents, living outside Lincoln County, are required to pay an annual fee for full library service.

All registered borrowers may receive up to two borrower cards for free. Registered borrowers requesting borrower card replacement will be charged card replacement fee for each card beyond the initial two cards.

In order to checkout materials from the library, borrowers are required to provide either their North Platte Public Library card and/or a government, educational, or corporate issued photo identification that clearly states their name at every checkout session. Library staff are not allowed to checkout to borrowers based on personal knowledge of who the individual is, photo identification and/or a North Platte Public Library card are required from everyone to checkout materials from the library. Staff may ask borrowers for photo identification to verify a library account at any time, even if a library card is presented.

Valid forms of ID that are required to complete an application for a Library Card is on of the following:

  • Non-expired government issued photo identification with current address.
  • Current signed form from ML&W, or similar utility company or governmental agency with current address and an employer, school, or government issued photo id. The letter or form must have been issued indicating service at the current address within the current 3 months.
  • Parent or Guardian who is responsible for a minor obtaining a library card. The parent or guardian should be able to provide similar identification as if they were obtaining a card for themselves.

Those unable to provide verification of residency may still get a Library card by paying an annual (Non-Resident) or 3 month (Temporary) library usage fee.

Research Policy

Reference Services are handled on a first come, first serve basis. Priorities are given to in person requests, then telephone, with email or other delivery methods last. Priorities may also be given to requests with deadlines and requests from other city departments including the Mayor’s office. The North Platte Public Library receives requests in person, by telephone, by USPS or similar delivery service, and online through email received at

Proctoring Tests

The Library Director may agree to proctor tests for students. There is a proctoring fee for each test and when possible, the test taker utilizes the meeting room as a quiet and secluded area to take a test. Testing times are arranged by the Library Director and the student and may be contingent on Meeting Room availability. The Library Director or the Information Systems Manager may administer testing.


Acquisition & Donations of Material

The Library accepts donations of books, magazines, DVD’s, etc. Donated materials may be used to fill the collection or sold as part of fund-raising efforts by the Friends of the Library. Magazines are usually placed in the free material bin on the main floor of the Library.

A donation form is available for tax purposes, however, the Library does not assign a monetary amount to donations.

Distribution of Non-Library Materials & Information

Informational materials left in the stacks and on library property will disposed of by Library Staff upon discovery.

Individuals who actively solicit or distribute information on library property will be asked to stop this activity immediately. If they continue or it becomes a habit over a period of time, the police will be summoned and the individual removed from the library.

The Library is willing to distribute non-library materials from established organizations as a public information service. This includes military recruiters, local tourism organizations, and support organizations. The Library reserves the right to refuse distribution of profane, pornographic, or hatred materials. The material must be approved by the Library Director. Complaints about material distribution will be directed to the Library Director.

Reconsideration of Library Materials

Patrons must complete a Reconsideration of Materials Form when they request that materials be removed from the Library’s collections. The material is then reviewed by the library director and library advisory board.

The library does not censor material. The library makes an effort to build balanced collections that reflect the diverse perspectives in our community.