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Advanced Aquatics

Advanced Aquatics


Lifeguard Training

Cost:  $175

American Red Cross Lifeguard Training is based on the latest science in resuscitation and rescuer and offers the most current best practices for aquatic rescuers including “Program Benchmarks” that establish standards for Red Cross lifeguards to help facilities create a great lifeguard team.  First Aid and CPR/AED-PRO incorporate the latest science in addition to improved rescue skills.  Lifeguards protect their community by preventing, recognizing and responding to water-related emergencies.  This course will train lifeguards to act with speed and confidence in emergency situations both in and out of the water.

American Red Cross Lifeguard Training will give you a 2-year certification in Lifeguarding, First Aid and CPR-AED for the Professional.  The CPR/ARD certification for working lifeguards in the State of Nebraska must be renewed each year.  Lifeguard candidates must be 15 years old the last day of the session the are registering for.  Candidates are required to attend all classes within the session.

Pre-Course Requirements:

  1. Swim 300 yards continuously demonstrating breath control and rhythmic breathing.  Candidates may swim using the front crawl, breaststroke or a combination of both but swimming on the back or side is not allowed.  Swim goggles may be used.
  2. Tread water for 2 minutes using only the legs.  Candidates will place their hands under armpits.
  3. Complete a timed event within 1 minute and 40 seconds (a) Starting in the water, swim 20 yards.  The face may be in or out of the water.  Swim goggles are not allowed.  (b) Surface dive, feet-first or head-first, to a depth of 7-10 feet to retrieve a 10 pound object (c) Return to the surface and swim 20 yards on the back to return to the starting point with BOTH hands holding the object and keeping the face at or near the surface so they are able to get a breath.  Candidates should not swim the distance under water.  (d) Exit the water without using a ladder or steps.

Contact Natalie Miller at (308) 535-6772 if you have any questions.



It is never too late to learn to swim.  If you are interested in fitness swimming or an aspiring triathlete, let us introduce you to the world of swimming through a progressive and creative way to learn the front crawl or “freestyle” swim stroke.  Swimming is a superior form of exercise for general health and wellness and a better swim stroke will make those laps more productive and more enjoyable.  Many novice triathletes also aspire to learn to move beyond “water walking” to a true swim stroke, one of the magical triad of activities in a great sport for overall fitness.  The swim stroke is developed through a progressive series of drills, each one building on the ones before until you are gliding away, lap after lap.  The program is 16-weeks in length.  Goggles are required, swim cap is recommended.  Cost $100 plus admission or a membership.  For more information, call Trudy at 535-6772.


Swimming in a group setting is motivating, produces greater improvement and is much more fun than swimming those solitary laps.  Tri-Masters is a group swim training program for both fitness swimmers and triathletes.  Whether you are an Ironman triathlete or simply love to swim for fun and fitness, the interval-style workouts maximize the aerobic, anaerobic and calorie-burning potential of swimming beyond what those uninteresting laps can do.  The group setting also provides the social support that is an important influence on our compliance with an exercise regimen.  Use Tri-Masters to prepare for the James O’Rourke Memorial Triathlon or to get into the greatest swimming shape of your life!  The training lasts 16 weeks.  Goggles are required, swim cap is recommended.  Cost $100 plus admission or a membership.  For more information, call Trudy at 535-6772

Water Safety Instructor (WSI)

The American Red Cross Water Safety Instructor course trains instructor candidates to teach all of the courses presented in the Swimming and Water Safety program to all age groups.  This certification is the gold standard and provides the most comprehensive training for swim instructors.  This is an instructor-level course so registration through the Red Cross Learning Center is required.  All prospective candidates must contact Phil Hinde for registration assistance.  Candidates must be 16 years of age by the last day of the session.

Pre-course Requirements:  1) Swim the following strokes consistent with Stroke Performance at Level 4:  Front Crawl-25 yrds, Back Crawl-25 yrds, Breaststroke-25 yrds, Elementary Backstroke-25 yrds, Sidestroke-25 yrds & Butterfly-15 yrds.  2) Maintain position on back for 1 minute in deep end (floating or sculling).  3) Tread water for 1 minute.

Please contact Natalie Miller at (308) 535-6772 or email at for information on signing up.

 “Swimming is a life skill as well as great exercise and a challenging sport.  We want to teach children starting at a very young age to  LOVE and RESPECT the water”

Statistics show that 1 in 3 children say that swimming is their favorite family activity!