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Platte River Fitness Series


Platte River Fitness Series

The Platte River Fitness Series (PRFS) is a unique model for community wellness. We are a fitness initiative representing a partnership between the North Platte Recreation Department and Great Plains Health, with the support of a variety of local businesses, civic organizations and communities.

Our Mission:  “To build community, create inspiration and encourage empowerment through fitness.”  This is what we try to do with each event and our Points and Finishers Challenges.  It is our purpose.

Our Vision:  “To establish a culture of health, wellness and physical activity in the North Platte region.”  This is where we want to go, the destination point for our mission.

Our Values:  We are inclusive.

We welcome all abilities.

We place priority on participation.

We are a family.

This is what we stand for.  It is our enduring beliefs and ideals.

Our Motto:  “Building Strong Bodies and Bold Spirits.”

This is our mission, vision and values in one simple phrase.  It reflects our belief in addressing the whole person-mind, body and spirit when working toward wellness.

PRFS Points Challenge/Series Finishers Challenge

You are automatically entered in the PRFS Points Challenge when you complete any event and earn a time.  If you finish a race, you receive participation points based on the difficulty of the event.  The more races you complete, the more points you earn!  You can earn additional placing points if you finish in the top 8 in your age group, but the big reward is in completing as many races as     possible.  We believe that lifestyle choices improve with a significant goal to reach for.  The ultimate challenge is to finish all 18 events.  There are also prizes for those who finish all 16 road races.

Check out all the  PRFS race information at:





The Platte River FitKids program empowers children to get active and promotes daily exercise as a lifelong habit. Platte River FitKids is a companion initiative aimed at encouraging children 14 & under to be more physically active. We also aspire to help children learn  goal-setting behaviors.  Childhood obesity has lifelong negative consequences, both physical and emotional, for our young people. We want   families to see an active lifestyle and goal attainment as  important family values. We recognize that a culture cannot truly be improved until it is embraced by its children.



Leading Ladies Nebraska is an outreach of the Platte River Fitness Series specifically for women.  It is an online Facebook community where women can seek and find support, encouragement and care in leading active, healthy lives.  It is a community intended to empower women to live fully in a spirit of acceptance and friendship and to develop their full potential as women and as fitness enthusiasts.  The 2020 Leading Ladies Nebraska goal race will be Lincoln Marathon in May and the Chris Jarvis Marathon and Half-Marathon on October 4.

Group runs will be available in two phases, one for a spring marathon and one for the fall marathon.  Endurance training is arduous and walking or running in a group setting makes the challenge of the long run less of a chore.  The group runs will begin January 25 and will be held Saturday mornings except when there is a PRFS event.  On those weekends, the group run/walk will be on Sunday morning.  Location and time will vary.  Please ask to join Leading Ladies Nebraska on Facebook to receive the most up-to-date information of group run/walks.  All abilities are welcome!



Registration Forms